Newman International Academy has a graduation requirement that gives our students a robust exposure to the world marketplace outside the continental U.S., preparing them to be confident and knowledgeable citizens who can become world leaders. The unique international studies curriculum of Newman Academy calls for a college-level research paper which is waived if students undertake the international trip. This international trip provides a rich and hands-on educational experience that enhances international education studies by connecting the classroom experience with the world, underscoring Newman's faith in Life Education.
The Trip meets the international studies requirements for graduation and allows all juniors and seniors the opportunity to participate in the experience of an international studies service trip that will expose the students to life-changing experiences.
The International Trip provides our students first-hand knowledge of the rich cultures of countries outside of the United States by giving them a front-row seat to the history and traditions of the country they visit, its art and architecture, its agriculture and cuisine, as well as the fashion and educational systems of the country. We stay in local hotels and visit all the famous museums and activities for which the country is famous. We take guided tours to renowned locations, and we provide community service to deserving groups within the country. We have taken art lessons in Belize and cooking lessons in Italy. Every country provides its own charm and excitement!
With the help and guidance provided by the school, students begin fundraising in the 9th grade and can choose to travel in their junior or senior year. Numerous meetings with students and parents occur throughout the year in preparation to cover all the details before departure.
Students who do not get to go on this trip, still learn much from the international studies college-level research paper which aims at promoting an international experience that is given to communicate the international travel experience.
Newman International Academy has taken teams to Scotland, England, Canada, Costa Rica, Belize and Italy. Newman staff and teachers accompany the students as chaperones and make the trip a safe learning environment for them. Our students return to the States with new memories, skills, and a greater understanding of the world and its people. Besides all this, our students have FUN!!!